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Održan Festival edukativno dokumentarnih filmova u oblasti rodne ravnopravnosti

Danas je 12 devojčica predstavilo filmove na kojima su radile prethodnih meseci u okviru projekta “ONA MOŽE.” 

01 March 2024, Pčinjski, Jablanički, Pirotski okrug

INFO SESSIONS on the support program for informal groups has been held

INFO SESSIONS on the support program for informal groups has been held

During a series of talks with the citizens of Pirot, Leskovac and Vranje from February 19 to 23, 2024, NEXUS presented within the project "EU Resource Center for Civil Society in Serbia", which is managed by the Belgrade Open School and financed by the European Union in Serbia "Support program for informal groups".

14 February 2024, Pčinjski, Jablanički, Pirotski okrug

INFO SESIJE za neformalne grupe!

INFO SESIJE za neformalne grupe!

Neformalne grupe u Srbiji imaju priliku da se prijave za podršku putem programa "Program podrške neformalnim grupama". Ovaj poziv predstavlja deo projekta "EU Resurs centar za civilno društvo u Srbiji", vođen od strane Beogradske otvorene škole, sa ciljem osnaživanja procesa pristupanja Srbije Evropskoj uniji kroz podršku civilnom društvu i aktivno učešće van sistema javne uprave.


NGO Nexus was established in Vranje in 2005.

The word Nexus comes from Latin and means "connection, link, bond, tie". NGO NEXUS, as its name says, acts as a connection between an individual and local community, social, medical and educational institutions, and national authorities.

NGO NEXUS was established with the support of Doctors Without Borders - Belgium (MSF – B) which was a unique case in the world and a guarantee of continuity of their 14 years of presence and participation in the region.